Samsung Galaxy smartphones may replace the Settings menu with AI: report

Samsung may replace the Galaxy settings menu with AI.

2 days Ago By (Eric Hal Schwartz)

is keen to across every facet of your life, but that could mean one major removal from Galaxy smartphones. A report from points to a future where the likes of the Samsung will have but no Settings menu. The article says that Samsung believes the AI in its phones will be able to anticipate your needs without you having to make any adjustments, thus making Settings a redundant feature.

The concept is part of Samsung's desire for the Galaxy smartphones to be fully AI-driven. Though the exact form of a Settings-free smartphone hasn't been unveiled yet, there are already hints about how the device's AI could use a combination of conversation with the user and the way they use the device to adapt its performance without requiring the kind of menu adjustments currently common. It would encompass many aspects of the smartphone's performance.

That means the basics, like notifications, brightness of the screen, and its layout. The main focus for Samsung in using AI to replace Settings appears to be the camera and the keyboard, according to the report. That makes sense since they are used in the broadest number of ways.

There are a lot of editing options for photos, but these days, your device handles a lot of the photo-quality enhancements before you do anything. Adding AI to the equation could extend that functionality in subtle but useful ways, like automatically switching to night mode or otherwise adapting to location and setting. For keyboards, the AI could help personalize your t.

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